Sorry it's been so long since I've posted! I honestly haven't really had that much to post. I've been working on some crafty things lately, and I want to share.
I made my first pair of deco nails. I have to mention and thank
Violet LeBeaux here, because she was my insiration to make deco nails. She makes such awesome nails, and I wanted to make a pair of my own. I made a pair that would match my blue skirt (The one I made for the Alice in Wonderland movie). I used pink, blue, and white for an OTT sweet look, with nail jewels and pearls. My theme was "Nummy cakes". Here they are:
I think that they turned out really cute, what do you think?
I have also started on a Gothic Lolita coordinate. Since my first piece was sweet, I decided that I wanted something gothic. (Yes, that was my first Lolita garment. I have been interested in Lolita since around 2005, but I only recently got into wearing it). I love Sweet, Gothic, and Classic, as well as many other sub-styles, so I can't really pick one. I designed a jumperskirt with a back bustle, I always loved those. I'm using burgandy cotton fabric, with black lace and trim, and a black underskirt. It's two pieces, the burgandy jsk and a black underskirt. here's the design:

This is the front. I didn't have a burgandy pencil so I didn't color it in. The vertical lace goes down the bodice and the skirt. The horizontal stripes across the bodice are lace. There is also a row of lace on either side of the vertical lace. I will put bows where the vertical lace meets on the bodice and skirt, as well as where it meets the bottom row of lace. The straps will also have some thin lace on the edges. It seems like a lot, but I have some good quality lace and I think It will work without being lace monster-y. The bottom of the skirt has a small layer of ruffles.
The back is fairly self explanitory. Instead of going all the way around, the sides of the skirt will come up in the back, showing the tiered ruffles of the underskirt. The bodice is going to have back shirring, to get it on and off easily.
The underskirt is simple, a black gathered skirt with one row of ruffles in the front and many layers of ruffles in the back. The front of the jsk will cover the skirt, but obviously the back will not.
I've been modifying patterns and making mock-ups, mostly for the bodice, to fine tune it before I work on the real thing. I'm going to line the bodice, but probably not the skirt part. We'll see. I have finished the underskirt though! (Almost, upon finishing I realizing that the skirt rises up in the back because of all the ruffles, so I do need to add another row). Here are pics of it:
Back (Yay, ruffles!)
I decided to make the underskirt seperate, that way I can wear it by itself (with a blouse or cutsew) or under another dress.
I'll post an update on the Gothic Lolita dress project as soon as I have one. Sorry it's been so long since my last post, and thanks for bearing with me!