Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I was browsing the articles on Morbid Outlook, a site with tons of articles about Western Goth. They also have some good articles that are relevant to Lolitas, especially Gothic Lolitas. Anyway, I found a site for a Canadian clothing company called Gloomth. They cater mostly to Western Goth, but they also carry some EGL stuff. Some of the dresses and skirts especially would make a good addition to the wardrobe of a Gothic or Classic Lolita, or an Aristocrat.
I've never ordered from them, so I can't attest to the quality of their garmemts, but they look good. Some of the stuff is a bit "ita"-ish (again, I really hate that word, but I don't know how else to put it), but a lot of it is cute. Below are some pics:



Autumn Sun Dress (top), Comely Belle Dress (bottom).

 Kuro Lilly Dress (top), Shiro Lilly Dress (bottom)



Sapphire Skirt


 Itoishii White Blouse



Rings Around Petticoat

They have much more stuff than this, this is just a sampling. Has anyone ever ordered from them before? I am interested to know the quality of their stuff.


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